Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Week 1

Every day has felt like a week. Right after I got to the MTC I went straight to German class. My teacher only talks in German. So the first 2 days I pretty much had no idea what was happening. Now I can understand almost everything she is saying. Well, not everything, probably only 10% but I understand what we are supposed to do and what we are talking about lol. I can also pray in German and communicate a little. It is so hard though. Especially since most people have had some German before they came in. We have taught 3 lessons all in German already. Well at least attempted.   

I came and I am in a trio. With Sister Wilson and Sister Frank. I love them to death. We get along so well. Sometimes too well so that we don't get anything done. But it is nice to have a break and laugh. Once we got here we actually got assigned another companion, she is a solo sister going to Hungary. So technically we are a quad. Her name is sister Caswell she has been here for 5 weeks. 

I get to see Ellie every day and my cute roommates from snow here too. I see so many people I know and it makes it feel more like home. It is nice seeing people that you know from before because they actually know you and were not forced to know you like my companions were haha. 

The second day was the worst tho. I was so sad and we had to teach our first lesson to our investigator and all in German. I couldn’t even understand anything and i was so confused and overwhelmed and after we were done we had lunch and I was just about to cry. Like lose it and I sat down at lunch and prayed and just said help me to see Maddy or Kamryn or Ellie just someone I know. And said amen. Then literally 10 seconds later I hear sister Clegg. I turn around and it was Maddy and I was so happy and gave her the biggest hug and we started crying lol. Then while I was talking to her Kam walked in and we were so happy and I was so thankful and Ellie came over too. so that was a tender mercy.

Thank you for all the prayers. They are much needed. Also, I can read email all through the week so feel free to email. Love you all.

The actual Sister Clegg.


  1. I am so happy that our girls have one another. A huge tender mercy for this Mama! I know that Heavenly Father knows just what they need and is letting them know that through these little but big things for them!

  2. Sorry I should mention this is Sister Frank's mom, Nicole! :)
