Thursday, April 25, 2019

Week 44 -- Elder Uchtdorf Visits

One of the best weeks of my mission. Got to shake hands and hear from Elder Uchtdorf for the 3rd time on my mission. The spirit you can feel is incredible.

Pascal put up a fight and finally got baptized after 3 dunks😂 I can't think of a better way to spend Easter than having a baptism. To top it off Sunday was his birthday. Never seen someone so happy. Also gotta Skype cute sister Andrew in. 

We set our goals high this week and had to have some good faith and work to get those. First we had to get someone on date. Our friend Diana was a little nervous but after kneeling down together and asking God she took a step in the dark and wants to follow Christ and be baptized! We had no idea how we were gonna get our 4 people to church either. Everyone that usually comes was going to be out of town. So, everyone, we talked to on the streets we invited them to come and see what Christ church looks like. Sunday morning we were greeting everyone and waiting for our 4 miracle surprises. We had no idea how we were gonna get this goal but a lady on the street we talked to showed up with her daughter and mom! Then a guy a talked to on the street shows up. 4 people we invited off the street came to church. Shows how God always comes through if we do all we can. 

Pics from the baptism. From Uchtdorf conference. And our cute little picnic. Plus the random pouring rain soaking us

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Week 43 -- Indescribable Feeling

So I met the cutest Chinese girl like 3 weeks ago. Haven't been able to meet with her until this week. When she showed up to the church she was like uhh what are we gonna do here. Then we said we are going to talk about god. She said she has only seen him in paintings in museums. We were able to tell her who God is and his character and that he loves her. She kinda was like that's cool and all but I don't believe that. We were able to say her first prayer with her. After she said amen we just sat there in silence for like 2 minutes. Then she looked at us with tears in our eyes and the biggest smile on her face. We asked her how she felt. She said when she said amen she felt the most indescribable feeling. We told her that is God. She asked if she can always pray and how happy she felt. Moments like that are what I came out here to see. I know that God hears every single one of our prayers. 

Found a this random petting zoo when we were walking to an appointment lol

Mom sent me a dope watch. Had to read the instructions for like 10 years till I figured out how to work it

The district. Plus we got some hype new Easter cards

Found a this random petting zoo when we were walking to an appointment lol