Sorry it's quick but better than nothing. This week I talked to a lady in the U-bahn. It's always interesting contacting. Not knowing who they are or what they have been through or where they are at in life, but knowing what you have can help them. No matter who they are. You just have to fit it to them. Anyway this lady told me she doesn't believe change is possible. That was the point of it i think with the stabs of what i am doing is stupid cuz its the impossible. I came out of this conversation thinking about a world with no change. And thinking about my life and where I would be without change. I thought about what makes it possible to be better. And I instantly thought of Christ and his atonement. Because of him we always have a second change. Not just a second, but a third and forth. How ever many we need as long as everyday we try. It's not just learning about Christ and know what he did and studying it. But actually becoming more like him everyday. It's about becoming that. We all know of him and the stories about him but what are we doing to actually become more like him everyday? Anyway just something to think about.
Thanks for all the prayers.