Here's a couple pics don't have tons of time. But it's the same old stuff. Just getting turned down time after time again to find just one person that makes it all worth it. I read a quote by President Hinckley. It said something like I can't promise that a mission will be fun. I can't promise that you will always be happy. I can't promise you success. But I can promise that us it is the time that God can work on us and help us grow like no other time in our lives. Which is so true. I love being a missionary. Go about doing good people. Thanks for the prayers.
Sister Clegg
Her companion Sister Weakleys email this week:
Holy! I am in love with Christmas in Germany! It is beyond my wildest dreams!
I hope y'all had a fun thanksgiving! I feel like it was yesterday that we had our own little thanksgiving lunch with some American members! But the weeks are just blasting right by!!! It's insane!!! I'm in my second week of my second transfer! And the progress that is being made is incredible!! I am a firm believer in the power of the gifts of the spirit!! Because other wise I wouldn't be able to split contact all in german, teach lessons in german and anything else I am doing here in the wonderful city of Solingen!! It's amazing!!! We are having miracles! We have 2 people on date for baptism and solingen has had 1 baptism in the past year!! So we get to clean out the spiders webs in the font and fill 'er up!!! Ask us how excited we are for that!!!!
Miracles are happening and prayers are being answered!! This transfer is going to be amazing!!
We told a guy that our German wasn't that good and he said "yeah whatever! Your eyes can speak really well..." still not sure how to take that...
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