Thursday, January 3, 2019

Week 30 -- KTown

This week has been crazy. We had a member appointment and sister weakly took the call for when we got invited. Apparently, they thought we could stay at their house till the new year. So when we got there we ate and were looking at his dope old soccer pics where they wore the shortest shorts. But then they were saying things like we'll we have 5 hours what should we do. So then they were like way bummed driving us home at 9:30. Lol. But done worry still jumped out of bed and got on the roof to watch the fireworks.

Anyways got transfer calls and I'm in Kaiserslautern now. The opposite side of the mission. Also I'm in a dritt (trio)...So prayers will be appreciated. I had to give my testimony for my last Sunday in Solingen and I tried to pronounce my area. Everyone was yelling from the audience telling me how to say it right. Then I said yeah that's why we just call it KTown. Haha perfect way to end it there. I'm going to miss it. 

Also our new convert Celine being a boss and helping us find people to teach. She's so cute that literally everyone listened to her. Sister weakly is going to have to take her finding with them. And also hauling all my crap on my own hahaha. Don't worry the soccer ball still made it.

Sister Clegg

From her comp's email:
But before I get rid of sister Clegg too fast I have to talk about new years! Here in Germany they only have fireworks once a year. New years and they only sell them 4 days before new years so everyone goes crazy!!! We were laying in bed at 10:45 and started hearing gunshots. Needless to say we couldn't sleep and slowly proceeded to pretty much climb out the window to watch the beautiful fireworks exploding on the horizon of Solingen, Germany! Seriously the best way to Start 2019 off! It was amazing! Then we went to bed to the sound of blowing up balls of fire and seriously the biggest smiles on our faces! 

Dropping off sister Clegg at the train station was probably the crappiest part of my week. She was the best trainer I could have gotten and it was hard to leave that ball of faith!

Day one together, traveling into Solingen:

Day 75 together, traveling out of Solingen

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